[ PHOTO ] DESTINATII DE VIS : Blue City — Jodhpur

The travelers, wandering the endless roads of unrelenting Thar Desert in the Indian state of Rajasthan, just know its destination. The sky will fall to the ground and everything will turn into a single color - blue. Jodhpur is brought before them, like the azure treasure in the desert.

It is believed that the Brahmins - members of a caste of priests - the first to paint their homes in a blue color (may be called the color indigo) to show them a permanent place of residence and to stand out among others. But soon other residents followed suit. History has not preserved the name of a brave man who first made it, but it happened, and from that day all the inhabitants of Jodhpur always faithful to tradition.

Ask any local resident, why all the houses are painted that way, and the usual answer will be - this color remains cool inside and repels insects. Yet, if this were true, then the various shades of indigo, a long time would have been painted the entire continent.

Symbol - a more likely answer. It seems that the blue Dzhhodpura - causing a demonstration of human resilience in the harsh Thar Desert, which surrounds the city. On joyless background brown scorched earth blue city looks amazing.

Jodhpur About this sound pronunciation, is the second largest city in the Indian state of Rajasthan. It is located 335 kilometres (208 mi) west from the state capital, Jaipur and 200 kilometres (124 mi) from the city of Ajmer. It was formerly the seat of a princely state of the same name, the capital of the kingdom known as Marwar. Jodhpur is a popular tourist destination, featuring many palaces, forts and temples, set in the stark landscape of the Thar desert.The city is known as the "Sun City" for the bright, sunny weather it enjoys all year. It is also referred to as the "Blue City"[4] due to the blue-painted houses around the Mehrangarh Fort. The old city circles the fort and is bounded by a wall with several gates. However, the city has expanded greatly outside the wall over the past several decades. Jodhpur lies near the geographic centre of Rajasthan state, which makes it a convenient base for travel in a region much frequented by tourists. Link

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