[ PHOTO ] Oil Paintings By Paul David Bond

Paul Bond's art lives in the spaces between dreaming and reality. Drawing from the Latin American genre of Magic Realism where symbolic, surreal and fantastic elements blend with realistic atmospheres, they remove the veil on a world where everything is possible.
Paul Bond's art lives in the spaces between dreaming and reality. Drawing from the Latin American genre of Magic Realism where symbolic, surreal and fantastic elements blend with realistic atmospheres, they remove the veil on a world where everything is possible. 

Paul Bond's art lives in the spaces between dreaming and reality. Drawing from the Latin American genre of Magic Realism where symbolic, surreal and fantastic elements blend with realistic atmospheres, they remove the veil on a world where everything is possible.
Paul Bond's art lives in the spaces between dreaming and reality. Drawing from the Latin American genre of Magic Realism where symbolic, surreal and fantastic elements blend with realistic atmospheres, they remove the veil on a world where everything is possible.
Paul Bond's art lives in the spaces between dreaming and reality. Drawing from the Latin American genre of Magic Realism where symbolic, surreal and fantastic elements blend with realistic atmospheres, they remove the veil on a world where everything is possible.
Paul Bond's art lives in the spaces between dreaming and reality. Drawing from the Latin American genre of Magic Realism where symbolic, surreal and fantastic elements blend with realistic atmospheres, they remove the veil on a world where everything is possible.
Paul Bond's art lives in the spaces between dreaming and reality. Drawing from the Latin American genre of Magic Realism where symbolic, surreal and fantastic elements blend with realistic atmospheres, they remove the veil on a world where everything is possible.
Paul Bond's art lives in the spaces between dreaming and reality. Drawing from the Latin American genre of Magic Realism where symbolic, surreal and fantastic elements blend with realistic atmospheres, they remove the veil on a world where everything is possible.
Paul Bond's art lives in the spaces between dreaming and reality. Drawing from the Latin American genre of Magic Realism where symbolic, surreal and fantastic elements blend with realistic atmospheres, they remove the veil on a world where everything is possible.
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[ DOCUMENTAR ] Teatrul viselor

Teatrul viselor este o premieră în România, fiind primul film documentar modern, în format HD, despre o echipă românească de fotbal. Documentarul a fost lansat în premieră în cadrul unei proiecţii speciale la TIFF 2013 (Transylvania Film Festival).De ce stârneşte fotbalul atâtea pasiuni în întreaga lume? Ce înseamnă participarea în Champions League și cu ce rămânem noi, de la jucători, antrenori, până la simpli spectatori, în urma participării la un astfel de eveniment? Filmul este realizat din perspectiva subiectivă a unui spectator neutru, care încearcă să înţeleagă mai bine fascinaţia oamenilor pentru acest fenomen, care are puterea de a ne influenţa pe toţi, conştient sau nu….
Sir Alex Ferguson spunea la un moment dat că “fotbalul este singurul sport care poate pretinde că este cu adevărat global“. Pornind de la această afirmaţie, filmul ne propune să înţelegem mai bine ce înseamnă acest fenomen mondial… Iar cu „profesori” precum Gheorghe Hagi, Gabi Balint, Fatih Terim sau Sir Alex Ferguson nu este foarte greu. Descoperim, treptat, că fotbalul este mult mai mult decât un simplu sport şi că, după această experienţă a CFR-ului în Champions League, multe lucruri, fără vreo legătură aparentă cu fotbalul, s-au schimbat. În bine.
Documentarul a fost realizat cu sprijinul Clubului CFR 1907 Cluj. Filmările s-au desfăşurat în perioada septembrie 2012-martie 2013 cu ocazia meciurilor: CFR-Manchester United, Galatasaray-CFR, CFR-Braga şi Manchester United-CFR.
Vezi și:
Viața lui Nicolae Dobrin, un film documentar despre unul dintre cei mai mari atleți români, maestru al driblingului şi al fentei, un model în executarea paselor şi a loviturilor libere, ales de trei ori cel mai bun fotbalist al României.
U” Cluj, o legendă adevărată, un film documentar care prezintă istoria unuia dintre cele mai iubite cluburi de fotbal din România, Universitatea Cluj.

[DESTINATII DE VIS ] Moreton Island — The Island of sunken ships

Moreton Island — Australia - A large sandy island, 36 km. length and area of 17,500 hectares, 35 km. from Brisbane. The island forms the eastern boundary of Moreton Bay Marine Park to the south-east Queensland. 98% of the island covers the National Park Moreton Islands National Park, which protects its unique vegetation, wildlife, freshwater lakes and springs and its magnificent coastal dunes.
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Moreton Island — Australia - A large sandy island, 36 km. length and area of 17,500 hectares, 35 km. from Brisbane. The island forms the eastern boundary of Moreton Bay Marine Park to the south-east Queensland. 98% of the island covers the National Park Moreton Islands National Park, which protects its unique vegetation, wildlife, freshwater lakes and springs and its magnificent coastal dunes.
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The water in the bay of the island abound with a variety of marine animals, such as humpback whales, giant turtles and dolphins, which are a favorite subject of surveillance by the tourists.

Moreton Island — Australia - A large sandy island, 36 km. length and area of 17,500 hectares, 35 km. from Brisbane. The island forms the eastern boundary of Moreton Bay Marine Park to the south-east Queensland. 98% of the island covers the National Park Moreton Islands National Park, which protects its unique vegetation, wildlife, freshwater lakes and springs and its magnificent coastal dunes.
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On Moreton Island are three of the town: Bulwer, employee base for leisure travelers who arrive on the island and in need of food. Is there a small wine shop, taxi service, phone, and store tools in the north end of town. The towns of Cowan Cowan and Kooringal known for its traditional Gutter bar and oyster farm Toulkerrie. There is also a private resort on the island of Tangalooma. 

Moreton Island — Australia - A large sandy island, 36 km. length and area of 17,500 hectares, 35 km. from Brisbane. The island forms the eastern boundary of Moreton Bay Marine Park to the south-east Queensland. 98% of the island covers the National Park Moreton Islands National Park, which protects its unique vegetation, wildlife, freshwater lakes and springs and its magnificent coastal dunes.
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The object of the local cultural heritage are unearthed by archaeologists primitive people, which is a testament to stay on the island natives, at least for a thousand years. Moreton Island - a place where it is always very nice to take camping, diving, snorkeling or just relaxing. Most people come to the island by ferry. Ferries for vehicles and passengers walk daily. Travel by ferry from Stradbroke Island to the town of Kooringal, lasting 20 minutes, can cost $ 20. The road from Whyte to Tangalooma Island is worth $ 45. The island has no roads, so the only means of transportation on the island - an SUV. 

Moreton Island — Australia - A large sandy island, 36 km. length and area of 17,500 hectares, 35 km. from Brisbane. The island forms the eastern boundary of Moreton Bay Marine Park to the south-east Queensland. 98% of the island covers the National Park Moreton Islands National Park, which protects its unique vegetation, wildlife, freshwater lakes and springs and its magnificent coastal dunes.
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Exactly what kind of sunken ships I could not figure out. Only 15 ships sunk - the latter were flooded in 1982 - thirty years ago. During this time, the ships thoroughly overgrown with corals, algae and barnacles. Just can not say the specific purpose of flooding. Reefs did what? Not too small a place?

Moreton Island — Australia - A large sandy island, 36 km. length and area of 17,500 hectares, 35 km. from Brisbane. The island forms the eastern boundary of Moreton Bay Marine Park to the south-east Queensland. 98% of the island covers the National Park Moreton Islands National Park, which protects its unique vegetation, wildlife, freshwater lakes and springs and its magnificent coastal dunes.
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Near the sunken ships are found thousands of fish can be tens of thousands. Some of them are quite tame. Feeding the fish - an interesting diversion. You can feed them bread. The water is boiling, just as many fish around. They're like piranhas Burke with a slice of bread in just a second. Do not even need a mask to consider them - the water is crystal clear, and they are right on the surface, almost jumping out of the water.

Moreton Island — Australia - A large sandy island, 36 km. length and area of 17,500 hectares, 35 km. from Brisbane. The island forms the eastern boundary of Moreton Bay Marine Park to the south-east Queensland. 98% of the island covers the National Park Moreton Islands National Park, which protects its unique vegetation, wildlife, freshwater lakes and springs and its magnificent coastal dunes.
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On algae, which are covered with ships - many grazing fish, some very large and thick.

Moreton Island — Australia - A large sandy island, 36 km. length and area of 17,500 hectares, 35 km. from Brisbane. The island forms the eastern boundary of Moreton Bay Marine Park to the south-east Queensland. 98% of the island covers the National Park Moreton Islands National Park, which protects its unique vegetation, wildlife, freshwater lakes and springs and its magnificent coastal dunes.
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Moreton - the third largest sand island in the world, is one of Australia's national parks. The only way to travel to the island - a jeep, the island has no roads. Departure from Brisbane on the ferry. Through the eucalyptus forest and the ocean to the desert where you should definitely try out sandboarding and riding on a sled with a sandy hill. After - swimming in a quiet bay of the ocean where there are almost no waves and dolphins can be seen. Walk to the old lighthouse and the northern part of the island, where the most beautiful view, and from May to October you can see whales, turtles and dolphins. On the island hobnob many interesting birds - sea eagles, pelicans. Before leaving - Blue Lagoon, a freshwater lake in the center of the island where the water is very warm, and where you can swim with delight in the water or play Frisbee. 

Moreton Island — Australia - A large sandy island, 36 km. length and area of 17,500 hectares, 35 km. from Brisbane. The island forms the eastern boundary of Moreton Bay Marine Park to the south-east Queensland. 98% of the island covers the National Park Moreton Islands National Park, which protects its unique vegetation, wildlife, freshwater lakes and springs and its magnificent coastal dunes.
Photo — Link

Moreton Island — Australia - A large sandy island, 36 km. length and area of 17,500 hectares, 35 km. from Brisbane. The island forms the eastern boundary of Moreton Bay Marine Park to the south-east Queensland. 98% of the island covers the National Park Moreton Islands National Park, which protects its unique vegetation, wildlife, freshwater lakes and springs and its magnificent coastal dunes.
Photo — Link

Moreton Island — Australia - A large sandy island, 36 km. length and area of 17,500 hectares, 35 km. from Brisbane. The island forms the eastern boundary of Moreton Bay Marine Park to the south-east Queensland. 98% of the island covers the National Park Moreton Islands National Park, which protects its unique vegetation, wildlife, freshwater lakes and springs and its magnificent coastal dunes.
Photo — Link

Moreton Island — Australia - A large sandy island, 36 km. length and area of 17,500 hectares, 35 km. from Brisbane. The island forms the eastern boundary of Moreton Bay Marine Park to the south-east Queensland. 98% of the island covers the National Park Moreton Islands National Park, which protects its unique vegetation, wildlife, freshwater lakes and springs and its magnificent coastal dunes.
Photo — Link



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