[DESTINATII DE VIS ] Bailong Elevator — An Elevator Built into the Side of a Huge Cliff

Bailong Elevator built into the side of a huge cliff. Also known as Hundred Dragons Elevator, this glass elevator stands 330 meters tall and is claimed to be the highest and heaviest outdoor elevator in the world. Quite possibly, it is the only elevator in the world that lets people ride up a cliff.
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The elevator can take ~48 passengers at once to the top, a journey that takes 2 seconds shy of 2 minutes. After it was built, the lift was said to be the world's tallest full-exposure outdoor lift, tallest double-deck sightseeing elevator, and the fastest passenger elevator with the biggest capacity. The elevator was built during 1999 and 2002 at the cost of 120 million yuan or $19 million. The project was met with fierce criticism from environmentalists who were angry that it was sited in the middle of a World Heritage Site. 

Bailong Elevator built into the side of a huge cliff. Also known as Hundred Dragons Elevator, this glass elevator stands 330 meters tall and is claimed to be the highest and heaviest outdoor elevator in the world. Quite possibly, it is the only elevator in the world that lets people ride up a cliff.
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Bailong Elevator built into the side of a huge cliff. Also known as Hundred Dragons Elevator, this glass elevator stands 330 meters tall and is claimed to be the highest and heaviest outdoor elevator in the world. Quite possibly, it is the only elevator in the world that lets people ride up a cliff.
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Bailong Elevator built into the side of a huge cliff. Also known as Hundred Dragons Elevator, this glass elevator stands 330 meters tall and is claimed to be the highest and heaviest outdoor elevator in the world. Quite possibly, it is the only elevator in the world that lets people ride up a cliff.
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Bailong Elevator built into the side of a huge cliff. Also known as Hundred Dragons Elevator, this glass elevator stands 330 meters tall and is claimed to be the highest and heaviest outdoor elevator in the world. Quite possibly, it is the only elevator in the world that lets people ride up a cliff.
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In the rocks were cut mines and tunnels to provide the infrastructure elevator. In addition, in the event of an earthquake or a natural disaster people from all three elevator cars can be quickly evacuated.

Bailong Elevator built into the side of a huge cliff. Also known as Hundred Dragons Elevator, this glass elevator stands 330 meters tall and is claimed to be the highest and heaviest outdoor elevator in the world. Quite possibly, it is the only elevator in the world that lets people ride up a cliff.
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Supporters of the project say that the lifts with the highest passenger capacity in the world, saved the mountain trails of the excess load.

Bailong Elevator built into the side of a huge cliff. Also known as Hundred Dragons Elevator, this glass elevator stands 330 meters tall and is claimed to be the highest and heaviest outdoor elevator in the world. Quite possibly, it is the only elevator in the world that lets people ride up a cliff.
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But their opponents point to the fact that the region, which is visited by 5 million people every year and is already saturated with tourists and is another attraction that will increase their number, only hurt the environment.

Bailong Elevator built into the side of a huge cliff. Also known as Hundred Dragons Elevator, this glass elevator stands 330 meters tall and is claimed to be the highest and heaviest outdoor elevator in the world. Quite possibly, it is the only elevator in the world that lets people ride up a cliff.
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Despite the protests, the lift is available for tourists, and indeed promotes the growth of popularity of this region of Hunan.

Bailong Elevator built into the side of a huge cliff. Also known as Hundred Dragons Elevator, this glass elevator stands 330 meters tall and is claimed to be the highest and heaviest outdoor elevator in the world. Quite possibly, it is the only elevator in the world that lets people ride up a cliff.
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After the building was put into operation in 2002, he was temporarily closed for safety reasons. After some improvements elevator resumed operation in 2003 and is now a cult destination among tourists. The lift can save 3 hours of walking and just one minute gives travelers the mountain, which offers a beautiful view of the valley from the quartzite pillars.

Bailong Elevator built into the side of a huge cliff. Also known as Hundred Dragons Elevator, this glass elevator stands 330 meters tall and is claimed to be the highest and heaviest outdoor elevator in the world. Quite possibly, it is the only elevator in the world that lets people ride up a cliff.
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Those who decide to explore this beautiful place, it is worth considering that in bad weather elevator closed. Entry fee is $ 39, and a lift to the lift - 8.9 dollar.

Wulingyuan - cliffs in Zhangjiajie National Park, which is located in Hunan Province in the southeast of China. This is a place of amazing beauty and at the same time a natural zoo, botanical and geological reserve. The place is famous for its quartzite cliffs up to 800 meters. The highest peaks of Wulingyuan reach a height of more than 3 km above sea level. Mountains are a picturesque sight: the huge stone pillars above the rainforest cut by sharp peaks, waterfalls, a giant cave system.
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Wulingyuan - cliffs in Zhangjiajie National Park, which is located in Hunan Province in the southeast of China. This is a place of amazing beauty and at the same time a natural zoo, botanical and geological reserve. The place is famous for its quartzite cliffs up to 800 meters. The highest peaks of Wulingyuan reach a height of more than 3 km above sea level. Mountains are a picturesque sight: the huge stone pillars above the rainforest cut by sharp peaks, waterfalls, a giant cave system. 

Wulingyuan - cliffs in Zhangjiajie National Park, which is located in Hunan Province in the southeast of China. This is a place of amazing beauty and at the same time a natural zoo, botanical and geological reserve. The place is famous for its quartzite cliffs up to 800 meters. The highest peaks of Wulingyuan reach a height of more than 3 km above sea level. Mountains are a picturesque sight: the huge stone pillars above the rainforest cut by sharp peaks, waterfalls, a giant cave system.
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Wulingyuan - cliffs in Zhangjiajie National Park, which is located in Hunan Province in the southeast of China. This is a place of amazing beauty and at the same time a natural zoo, botanical and geological reserve. The place is famous for its quartzite cliffs up to 800 meters. The highest peaks of Wulingyuan reach a height of more than 3 km above sea level. Mountains are a picturesque sight: the huge stone pillars above the rainforest cut by sharp peaks, waterfalls, a giant cave system.
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Wulingyuan - cliffs in Zhangjiajie National Park, which is located in Hunan Province in the southeast of China. This is a place of amazing beauty and at the same time a natural zoo, botanical and geological reserve. The place is famous for its quartzite cliffs up to 800 meters. The highest peaks of Wulingyuan reach a height of more than 3 km above sea level. Mountains are a picturesque sight: the huge stone pillars above the rainforest cut by sharp peaks, waterfalls, a giant cave system.
Photo — Link

Wulingyuan - cliffs in Zhangjiajie National Park, which is located in Hunan Province in the southeast of China. This is a place of amazing beauty and at the same time a natural zoo, botanical and geological reserve. The place is famous for its quartzite cliffs up to 800 meters. The highest peaks of Wulingyuan reach a height of more than 3 km above sea level. Mountains are a picturesque sight: the huge stone pillars above the rainforest cut by sharp peaks, waterfalls, a giant cave system.
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The elevation of Tianmen Mountains is 1518.6 meters (the highest one in Zhangjiajie); people may feel amazing that about 40 peaks inside the mountain area are over 1000 meters. Due to the high elevation of the mountain, the day time is longer than the night hours and the temperature on the mountains is about 10 degree centigrade lower than the Zhangjiajie city, the sunrise on the mountain is 30 minutes earlier and the sunset is 45 minutes later than it is in the city areas. Thus it is known as an endless sky without darkness.  The mountain is famous for its unique natural miracle - the Tianmen Cave; it was authorized as a national forest park in July, 1992. The door-alike cave was created after the cliff collapsing in ancient time. Tianmen Mountains is rich in Chinese culture; it is regarded as the Top 1 Heaven Mountain in the west part of Hunan province and the sprit of Wuling (an old name of the county here). This place has absorbed the essence from the nature for thousands years, therefore visiting the holy temple on the mountain – Tianmenshan Temple has become a popular way to pray for a safe and healthy life.
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The elevation of Tianmen Mountains is 1518.6 meters (the highest one in Zhangjiajie); people may feel amazing that about 40 peaks inside the mountain area are over 1000 meters. Due to the high elevation of the mountain, the day time is longer than the night hours and the temperature on the mountains is about 10 degree centigrade lower than the Zhangjiajie city, the sunrise on the mountain is 30 minutes earlier and the sunset is 45 minutes later than it is in the city areas. Thus it is known as an endless sky without darkness.
The mountain is famous for its unique natural miracle - the Tianmen Cave; it was authorized as a national forest park in July, 1992. The door-alike cave was created after the cliff collapsing in ancient time. Tianmen Mountains is rich in Chinese culture; it is regarded as the Top 1 Heaven Mountain in the west part of Hunan province and the sprit of Wuling (an old name of the county here). This place has absorbed the essence from the nature for thousands years, therefore visiting the holy temple on the mountain – Tianmenshan Temple has become a popular way to pray for a safe and healthy life.

Cine a inventat oglinda?

Desi par obiecte comune, oglinzile nu exista de la inceputurile omenirii, Oglinda a fost inventata in Germania in urma cu aproape 200 de ani.

In 1985, chimistul neamt Justus von Liebig a dezvoltat o tehnica prin care a reusit sa lipeasca o pelicula foarte subtire de argint pe o parte a unei bucati de sticla. Tehnica a fost imediat preluata si dezvoltata, ceea ce a dus la posibilitatea productiei in masa a oglinzilor.

Oglinzile moderne isi au originea in secolul al XIX-lea, dar aceste obiecte exista de mult mai multa vreme. Potrivit unui studiu realizat in 2006, Turicii au fost primii care faceau oglinzi din pamant si sticla vulcanica, cu aproximativ 8.000 de ani in urma. Mai tarziu au aparut oglinzile facute din cupru slefuit, in jurul anilor 4000 i.e.n. Apoi, in jurul anilor 2000 i.e.n in America de Sud si america Centrala au aparut mestesugari specializati in oglinzi, care foloseau piatra slefuita. La randul lor, chinezii s-au specializat in oglinzi, pe care le produceau din bronz.

Chiar daca au devenit populare, oglinzile nu au fost bine primite de toata lumea. Unii au fost cuprinsi de spaima cand si-au vazut reflectia.

Temperatura sufletului tău ...

Ştii acel sentiment de bine, linişte şi calm care se extinde în tot corpul tău? Timpul parcă stă în loc, orice tensiune dispare, grijile se risipesc, iar tu…, tu eşti atât de aproape de ceea ce e esenţa ta. Eşti atât de mulţumit, atât de încrezător. Radiezi fericire. 
Tu îţi mai aduci aminte când ai experimentat ultima dată această stare atât de minunată?
Ei bine, aceasta e starea de echilibru a sufletului nostru. La fel cum corpul nostru e făcut să aibă o temperatură constantă, şi sufletul are nevoie de acest echilibru. Ia gândeşte-te puţin. Ce se întâmplă când ţi-e frig sau cald? Organimsul tău instant declaşează mecanisme prin care urmăreşte să readucă temperatura la valoarea normală. De multe ori însă el nu poate face acest lucru fără ajutorul nostru. Fie că trebuie să ne îmbrăcăm mai gros, să dăm drumul la căldură, sau, după caz, să punem comprese sau să luăm medicamente, trebuie să intervenim pentru a-l sprijini. Cu toţii suntem conştienţi că e absolut vital pentru noi ca el să revină la temperatura normală şi, cu siguranţă, nu neglijăm acest aspect.
Dar ştii ceva, şi sufletul nostru e la fel. Uneori fierbe, alteori e sloi de gheaţă. Din păcate nu s-a inventat termometru cu care să-i putem lua acestuia temperatura. Şi cum credem că nu avem ceva palpabil pe post de semnal de alarmă, ignorăm suferinţa sufetului, zbuciumul lui de a reveni la acea stare binecuvântată de echilibru.
Dar ne înşelăm. Dacă suntem atenţi, emoţiile noastre ne avertizează de fiecare dată când sufletului îi lipseşte ceva. Şi nu doar atât, cu toţii avem mereu la dispoziţie 3 căi de a regla imediat temperatura sufletului nostru.
Indiferent de experienţele prin care trecem, putem să readucem echilibrul sufletului practicând - RECUNOŞTINŢA - GEREROZITATEA - IUBIREA NECONDIŢIONATĂ.
Însă acestea trebuie parcticate într-un anumit fel pentru a da rezultate maxime. Trebuie practicate cu consecvenţă şi cu rigurozitate, nu doar când suntem la ananghie.
Şi nu superficial, ci să le simţim în toată fiinţa noastră. Ele sunt şi vitamine şi medicamente pentru sufletul nostru. Ele îi reglează acestuia temperatura. Îl încălzeşte atunci când e ca un sloi de gheaţă şi nu mai simte nimic. Îl temperează atunci când clocoteşte şi e atât de răzvrătit. Da, ce ni se întâmplă, ce facem sau nu putem face, ce avem sau nu avem influenţează temperatura sufletului nostru. Să nu uităm însă că avem mereu la îndemână cele 3 metode.
Eu îţi doresc să te bucuri de acel echilibru sufletesc care ne face zilele mai bune. Exersează mereu generozitatea, recunştinţa şi iubirea necondiţionată. Simte-le cum îţi transformă sufletul. Sunt 3 prietene de nădejde de care te poţi bucura la bine şi la greu ...

In această zi din viaţa ta, cred că Dumnezeu vrea ca tu să ştii ...

… că atunci când vezi lumina la capătul tunelului nu e eficient să ieşi afară şi să complici lucrurile. John Quinton a fost cel care a observat că politicienii fac asta. Poate îţi dai seama că şi tu faci asta. Chiar atunci când lucrurile par că se îmbunătăţesc, tu începi să vezi că mai multe lucruri „nu sunt în regulă” sau „ar putea merge prost” . Universul este în esenţă un spaţiu prietenos. Atât de prietenos, încât, îţi va da exact ceea ce te aştepţi să-ţi ofere. Nu este minunat ? Bineînţeles, depinde de ceea ce aştepţi… 

…contribuţia ta în acestă zi în mod special ar putea crea cadrul pentru un an total diferit. E ciudat cum se întâmplă lucrurile. Câteodată cea mai mica alegere, una pe care ai putea-o lua în următoarele 24 de ore, ar putea pune în mişcare cantităţi enorme de energie aducându-ţi un mare bine şi o bucurie enormă. Urmăreşte atunci ziua, dar şi cum o petreci tu. S-ar putea să nu-ţi dai seama când pui aceste energii în mişcare. Dar chiar faci asta. Tu chiar faci asta prin tot ce gândeşti, spui sau faci. Aşa că ieşi şi fă din ziua de azi o zi nemaipomenită !

... că perioadele dificile dezvăluie geniul, în timp ce prosperitatea îl ascunde. Horace a spus asta şi avea dreptate. În timpul oricărei perioade grele, geniul tău va fi revelat -- ca şi pentru întreaga umanitate. Vei descoperi că există o altă cale de a trăi faţă de abordarea „care pe care” şi un alt scop demn în afară de „mai mare, mai bine, mai mult”. Priveşte această perioadă atunci, ca o provocare către ingeniozitatea ta şi ca o invitaţie din partea vieţii să redescoperi ceea ce este cu adevărat important: dragoste, familie, prieteni şi... călătoria sufletului tău. 

…că dacă te gândeşti că nu ai nimic de pierdut, câştigi. Dacă gândeşti că ai ceva de câştigat, pierzi. Totul ţine de motivaţie. De ce faci ceea ce faci chiar acum? Să eviţi pierderea? Să obţii un câştig? Ambele motivaţii sunt greşite. Viaţa nu este despre câştig şi pierdere. Viaţa este despre a fi sau a nu fi, a exprima sau nu exprima, cine eşti. Nu fă lucrurile pentru propriul beneficiu. Şi de asemenea nu fă lucrurile pentru a evita pierderile personale. Fă lucrurile pentru a simţiautenticitatea personală. Atunci viaţa ta va avea sens, indiferent de ce se întâmplă în jurul tău. Ţi-e clar de ce ţi s-a spus asta astăzi, corect ? 



Gandind ...

Gandind ...

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