[ DESTINATII DE VIS ] Moscow Roofing

May, 2011. LCD "Continental".
Moscow Roofing.

Top-down view from a height of 215 meters. It was terribly cold.
Familiar to many of the tower stairs have a new, fabulous look.
Then in January 2011, and May, the photos from the same roof.
February 2011. The originals of these pictures were heavily greased and underexposed, it was difficult to have to invent something worthwhile.
Moscow, as usual, the whole is in the mirrors.
May, 2011. Victory Day.
May, 2011. Picturesque bridge. But to him, I have not got.
Marshal Zhukov avenue.
Away Elite LCD "Scarlet Sails".
That same month, the same year. House on the Embankment, still have not removed the icon "Mercedes" from the roof.
Again, the photos from May 2011. The Russian Academy of Sciences. 
Photos from the home of the Ministry of Defence at the Sofia quay.
LCD on the street Dybenko. Here I just looked on the way to the university. Very much an eyesore to the house every time I went to college.
Ex "Mirax Plaza". Thence called the most complex of the coolest view of MIBC.
With turrets Leningrad station. I do not like the area of the three stations, there are many homeless people, poke around and dubious palatochki eatery, many aggressive persons of Caucasian nationality. And the architecture of the old buildings are good, yes.
In the frame of the Kiev railway station. Pinnacle of this station - one of the favorite places in Moscow, there reigns in sooo cool atmosphere!
One of the four eagles on the balcony of the tower. 
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