[ DESTINATII DE VIS ] Amazing Places to Visit

Underwater Hotel and Restaurant
Hotel Conrad Maldives Rangali Island offers underwater apartments and a restaurant.

Transparent roof rooms Kakslauttanen in Finland can enjoy Northern Lights, basking in the bed.
Flower Park
Tunnel of wisteria flowers in a Japanese garden Kawachi Fuji, Kitakyushu, Japan
Ice Aquarium
In the Japanese city of Kesennuma in ice blocks frozen 80 species of marine creatures.
Restaurant in a Cave
Located in the Italian town of Polignano a Mare on site Grotta Palazzese.
Castle Garden Markizyak
Located in the French city Vezak and built up over three centuries.
Hotel underground
Hotel Sala Silvermine Hotel in Sweden is located in the former mine at a depth of 155 meters.
The Restaurant at the Falls
Located in the resort of Villa Escudero in the province of Quezon, Philippines.
The lost city of Machu Picchu
Located in what is now Peru on top of the ridge height of 2450 meters above sea level. Awarded the New Wonder of the World.
Skyscraper in Huaxi village
Chinese village residents pool their savings to build a hotel in the 328 meters tall and valued at $ 470 million.
Snow Hotel
Every winter in Finland, the Alps and the Pyrenees erect a snow winter resort for lovers of extreme tourism.
Pool Waterfall
The natural pool deck of Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe is at a height of 128 meters.
Glass balconies 103-story skyscraper Willis Tower in Chicago.
Rides on site plant
Wunderland Kalkar park is located in the unfinished nuclear power plant in the German town of Kalkar. The main attraction is located in the central tube.

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