[ FOTO ] DESTINATII DE VIS : 10 Story Building Transform the Facade 1000 Recycled Doors

South Korean Artist Choi Jeong-Hwa used 1000 brightly colored recycled doors to transform a bland 10-story building into an eye-popping visual indulgence. Jeong-Hwa is a master of using found objects to make provocative spaces, and the project is one of his most ambitious attempts to place normal things in an extraordinary way. The doors stretch up the scaffolding of the mid-rise, giving the hulking mass a pixelated charm.

Choi Jeong-Hwa’s imagery is born out his desire to let art engage with the greater population. His work is almost delusional – he takes ordinary, often discarded items and uses them to create unique spaces.

1000 Doors engages with the entire city of Seoul through its immense scale. The mass of doors reads like a crazy advertisement from afar. Up close, the juxtaposition of the common doors scaling the full height of the building is a bit jarring, if not amusing.

The piece makes a statement about how art changes how we see, as Jeong-Hwa puts it: “People think you can only find Korean Art in Museums and Galleries” for “other artists”. The ambiguity and strength of his work rests in the tactile quality of the discarded object itself.

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Choi Jeong-Hwa

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