Ostovar - 55 years, 8 children, housewife. Wear a mask for religious reasons and to protect the skin from the sun.
Despite the fact that many eastern women say they wear their hats with masks because of religious concepts, this tradition came long before the rise of Islam. Rural populations in the southern part of Iran said that this tradition of referring the Koran, but its origins seem to go far in the nomadic period in this region, where both men and women wore hats and masks to protect people from sun and strong desert winds.
This tradition has survived, and today in rural parts of Iran, as well as in Oman, UAE and Saudi Arabia can still see these masks. Usually in such regions girl hiding from the groom their faces behind a mask until the wedding. Men here do not wear masks, but women, especially the elderly, still revere the tradition.
Roja - 12 years old, wears a mask whenever he wants.
Roya has no mask.
Fatemeh - 50 years, 11 children, a homemaker, wears a mask only to protect the skin.
Fatemeh same time without the mask.
Ostovar that was the first photo. It has three different masks.
This Ostovar without a mask.
Zeinab - about 60 years, 10 children, 6 of whom died, a homemaker. Wear a mask for religious reasons and to protect the skin from the sun.
Zeinab - about 60 years, 10 children, 6 of whom died, a homemaker. Wear a mask for religious reasons and to protect the skin from the sun.
Gohar - 26 years, two children, a homemaker. Wear a mask for religious reasons and to protect the skin from the sun.
Zobeida Ostovar - 30 years old, 5 children, homemaker. Wear a mask for religious reasons and to protect the skin from the sun.
Zobeida Ostovar - 30 years old, 5 children, homemaker. Wear a mask for religious reasons and to protect the skin from the sun.
Fatima - 65 years, 6 children, selling tobacco on the market. Wear a mask for religious reasons.
Mashad flights - 55 years old, 6 children, sells tobacco in the market. Wear a mask for religious reasons.
Gohar - 20 years, 1 child, a homemaker. Wear a mask for religious reasons and to protect the skin from the sun.
Armaneh - 35 years old, 5 children, homemaker. Wear a mask for religious reasons and to protect the skin from the sun.
Alemeh - 40 years, selling scarves on the street tray.

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