01. China’s economy grew 7 times as fast as America’s over the past decade (316% growth vs. 43%)

11 More Facts about China after the break...
02. 85 percent of artificial Christmas trees are made in China. So are 80 percent of toys.

03. China has more pigs than the next 43 pork producing countries combined3

04. Chinese consume 50,000 cig@rettes every second.

05. America’s fastest “high speed” train goes less than half as fast as the new train between Shanghai and Beijing (150 mph vs 302 mph).

06. China’s enormous Gobi Desert is the size of Peru and expanding 1,400 square miles per year due to water source depletion, over-foresting, and over-grazing.

07. By 2025, China will build enough skyscrapers to fill TEN New York-sized cities.

08. There are already more Christians in China than Italy.

09. China executes three times as many people as the rest of the world COMBINED… and uses mobile execution vans for efficiency.

10.. Chinese GDP could overtake the U.S. in less than 15 years.

11. The Target Range Of China’s “Aircraft Carrier Killer” Missile.

12. The world’s biggest mall is in China… but it has been 99% empty since 2005
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