[ FOTO ] 15 constructii absolute

Cuba Gallery, France
Photo credit: Andrew
Professional photographers combine creativity, artistic vision and technical mastery to take photographs. People in this profession use a wide range of equipment, some of which is specific to certain career fields. Good photographers have a natural eye for composition and can often create an aesthetically appealing photograph out of anything. Here are 15 absolutely incredible architecture photography examples to make your day fresh. More images after the break...
Sydney Opera House
Photo credit: John Dalkin

Photo Link

Tewkesbury Abbey (England)
Photo credit: John Dalkin

The new Queen Elizabeth Hospital (England)
Photo credit: John Dalkin

The Nave in Gloucester Cathedral, England
Photo credit: John Dalkin

Modern Architecture in Asakusa Tokyo Japan
Photo credit: Retinafunk

The Houston Skyline
Photo credit: Foureyes

New York – The Calm Before the Storm
Photo credit: John Dalkin

Dubai Creek Golf Club
Photo credit: Sawrah

ING House at the Amsterdam Zuidas business district
Photo credit: Burt Youngsters

Modern Architecture in Berlin, Germany
Photo credit: Hans Vaupel

New Trade Fair Main Hall, Leipzig, Germany
Photo credit: Hans Vaupel

Puerto Marina, Spain
Photo credit: SantiMB

Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed, Red Square, Kremlin, Moscow, Russia

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